Posts Tagged With: honda bay

DIY Honda Bay Tour for less than 1k

I decided to have a DIY Honda Bay Tour simply because it’s cheaper. We’ve been offered the tour for Php1000plus per head. But, according to my research, we could get it for around Php650 per head.

We asked a tricycle driver to pick us up at the hotel at 6:30am. We had to pay him Php500 to bring us to the market to buy food for our lunch and pick us up back from the port after our tour. He brought useful items for us to bring during our tour like cooked rice, cooler, paper plates, utensils, etc.

We dropped by the public market and bought the following:

1k tuna for Php90

1k liempo for Php180

other ingredients Php32

ice, match, cups, etc Php 80

After going to the market, we went to the wharf and registered and paid for all the fees.

Boat ride Php1300 (good for 6-8 people; boatmen will cook your lunch and bring you to all the islands you wanted to include in the tour)

Environmental fee Php40/person

Terminal Fee Php27/5persons

Entrance Fee to Pandan Island Php100/person

When we’re all set, we were accompanied to the boat that will take us to the Honda Bay Tour. We were told that Snake Island was not open (much to my disappointed as I planned to stay more time there after reading that it was a sandbar) so we told the boatmen that we intended to go to Pandan Island mainly and if we have time to spare, we’d go to Starfish or Luli Islands. I was not so much in to Pambato Reef since I don’t like to snorkel.

It took a while (almost 2 hours) before our boat sailed since several boatmen were not allowed to sail by the coastguard because they forgot to sign out the day before. Good thing the delay did not affect the time we spent enjoying the islands.

We spent a lot of time in Pandan island. We took a wooden table beachfront! It costs Php300. Cottage costs Php500. We stayed there for 3 hours and decided to go to Luli island (and skip Starfish Island too) when the waters became rough  since it’s closer to the wharf.

The entrance fee for Luli island is Php50. There’s an area where you could dive and my friends quite enjoyed the thrill it gave them. The name Luli Island came from “Lulubog, Lilitaw” since part of the island is submerged in water at certain times of the day.

Our DIY Honda Bay Tour cost us Php713.8/person – still cheaper than the package tour of php1000plus per head.



Other Puerto Princesa Posts:


GoHotel Puerto Princesa


DIY Puerto Princesa City Tour


Puerto Princesa 3D/2N Itinerary

Puerto Princesa Underground River Tour

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Puerto Princesa 3D/2N Itinerary

We were able to book a fairly cheap flight to Puerto Princesa. Php1150.33 MNL to Puerto Princesa via AirPhil and Php749.52 Puerto Princesa to MNL via CebuPac. We booked 2 rooms for 2 nights at GoHotel for Php1412.

As I scoured through the internet for places to visit in Puerto Princesa, I came up with the itinerary below. I had to fit most of the must-see places in 2 days since we have a morning flight on our last day. But, of course, that was the plan. Some unexpected things happened and we had to adjust. We decided to forego the Firefly watching as the bridge going there was said to be under construction. Our Honda Bay lacked Snake Island which I was looking forward to spending time bathing under the sun, because it was closed as DENR is doing some conservation activities in the island although some locals say that Willie Revillame had it closed for himself. Our City Tour was just at Crocodile Farm and Baker’s Hill since we were not so much into the other sites for the tour (or maybe we were all just eager to go back to the hotel and freshen up).

Day 1:

9am: Arrive at Puerto Princesa

10am: ETA at GoHotel/settle down and leave for Underground Tour

10am-4pm: Underground River Tour

4-6pm: Travel Time   Back at the hotel

6-8pm: Firefly Watching Dinner at Bona’s Chaolong

8pm onwards: dinner/back to hotel

Day 2:

6am: Breakfast

7:am-2:30pm: Honda Bay Tour

2:30-3:30pm: Travel Time

3:30-5:30pm: City Tour

5:30-7:30pm: back to hotel

7:30pm: dinner at Kahlui’s

Day 3:

10am flight back to MNL

Here are some helpful sites in planning your Puerto Princesa trip:

Other Puerto Princesa Posts:

GoHotel Puerto Princesa

DIY Puerto Princesa City Tour

DIY Honda Bay Tour

Puerto Princesa Underground River Tour

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